Saturday, December 18, 2010

I had fun this morning with this wonderful family. It was too cold out so we didn't brave the cold and stayed indoors.  Little Ayden kept us all on our toes- where do they get their energy? What a doll.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My little Charlie bean

Whats there to say about little girl who loves her daddy.  When he is in the room she has got eyes only for him. Its so wonderful to see the loves of your life together, happy, and healthy. Its moments like this one that I am so grateful for what I have. I wish you would stay small forever, your getting to be so big. xoxoxo

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Z Family Photo Shoot

You know the type of family you meet for the first time and you feel like you have been great friends for ever. Yup this family, they were great.  They had a lot of fun with the session and we got some great pictures. L has gotten her family photo's done every 5 years since they been married. ( Which by the way is 20 years, this year whoot whoot!) Thanks for a fun day guys.

I would also like to thank the Slave Lake Library for letting us come and take some pictures by the fireplaces.  If you live in Slave Lake and haven't checked out the new library you must go and get a good book and curl up in a comfy chair by the fire.